When we read the Bible, it can be quite confusing to understand the concept of ‘quickened’. Quickened is a term used to describe a supernatural act of God in which something comes to life. It is mentioned in several places throughout Scripture and it is a concept that is often misunderstood. In this article, we will explore what it means to be ‘quickened’ in the Bible and how it applies to our daily lives.
The root of the word ‘quickened’ is from the Latin word ‘qui’, meaning ‘living’. This is the same root used for the words ‘quick’ and ‘quicken’. In the Bible, being ‘quickened’ is an instantaneous act of God in which life is brought into being in an instant. Life is created supernaturally rather than through natural processes, such as conception and birth.
When being ‘quickened’, it means something or someone is made alive. It can refer to physical life, spiritual life, or spiritual welfare. In the Book of John, Jesus is referred to as “the Life-Giver” and in several other books, such as Romans, Hebrews, and Corinthians, the concept of being made alive is mentioned. Quickened people are also mentioned in other books, including Acts, Ephesians, and Galatians.
According to Dr. Matthew Harrison, professor of New Testament at Columbia International University, the concept of ‘quickened’ is used by the Bible to explain how God gives life to the dead. In Romans 4:17 it states, “For God quickened it, even the dead, and calls those things which be not as though they were.” This is a reminder that though we may feel dead in our providence and circumstances, God still has the power to life us up out of that situation and into one of new life. This term is used by the Bible to describe how God rescues us from our darkest moments and brings us back to life.
The concept of ‘quickened’ also often appears in relation to our spiritual life. In Ephesians 2:4 it states, “But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, has quickened us together with Christ.” This verse is a powerful reminder of how even when we feel stuck in seemingly insurmountable sin or depression, God still has the power to bring us back to life. Being ‘quickened’ is a way of expressing the degree to which God can revive, restore, and renew us in every aspect of our lives.
It is important to remember that the concept of ‘quickened’ can be both physical and spiritual. It can refer to physical life, such as Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, or it can refer to spiritual life, such as being quickened out of darkness and into the light of God. Being ‘quickened’ is an act of divine intervention and it is something that God alone can do and has done in the lives of many.
Revived To Provisions
When we think of being ‘quickened’ in relation to our lives, we should think about being revived to the provisions God has for us. In John 5 it states, “ Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that hears my word, and believes on him that sent me, has everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” This verse shows that someone who hears God’s Word and believes it has been quickened and is no longer condemned. Being quickened can also mean being brought out of a life of sin and into a life of righteousness and provision.
God does not just quicken us to physical life, but to an even greater life of abundance and grace. In 2 Corinthians 4:15-16 it states, “Therefore we do not lose heart, but even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” God quickens us out of our sadness, our sin, our suffering, and into a life of joy, righteousness, and abundance.
Being quickened is a reminder that God can take our darkness and transform it into light. Quickened means being lifted out of the darkness and into God’s glory and grace. It is a reminder that although our physical bodies may die, our spirit can be made alive in Christ and our souls can be renewed and restored.
Applying To Our Faith
When we think about the concept of ‘quickened’, we should consider how we can apply this to our own faith journeys. The Bible calls us to be quickened children of God and to live a life of love and grace. In 1 John 4:16 it states, “If any man love God, the same is the knowledge of God, and is quickened.” This verse shows that when we truly love God, we are quickened in our knowledge and understanding of Him. By living a life of love for God, we can become closer to Him and experience a deeper spiritual quickening and revival.
It is also important to remember that being ‘quickened’ is not something that we can do by ourselves. We cannot quicken ourselves in any way, shape, or form – only God can do this. Our job is to trust God and allow Him to take us on our journey of quickening and revival.
Higher Calling
The Bible also calls us to be quickened by the spirit to do great works. In Romans 8: 14 it states, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” This verse is a reminder of our higher calling as children of God. When we are quickened by the Spirit, we are led to do great works through our own spiritual revival.
Another great example of being quickened by the Holy Spirit is found in Acts when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. In this instance, not only were the disciples quickened outwardly by the Spirit, but their inner spirits were also revived and renewed. We too can be quickened by the Holy Spirit by seeking Him out and allowing Him to revive us from the inside out.
Finally, the concept of being ‘quickened’ reminds us of the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit. When we are quickened by the Spirit, we are called to share the Good News of salvation with others. Being ‘quickened’ is not just about our own spiritual revival but is also about responding to God’s love and grace by sharing it with others.
Living In Quickened Life
Living in a quickened life is a reminder that God is always with us. He is the one who brings us back to life and empowers and revives us to do His work. As followers of Jesus, we should strive to be quickened people and live our lives in such a way that we glorify Him and share His love with the world. When we are ‘quickened’, God shows us that He is ever-present and ever-powerful.
Being ‘quickened’ is not just about physical and spiritual revival, it is also about being filled with the love and grace of God. It is a reminder that no matter where we are in life, God can bring us back to Him and revive us. Being ‘quickened’ is a reminder that our lives have great purpose and meaning and that God has a plan for us. He is always with us and He will quicken us to do His will.
Recognizing Quickening
Recognizing when we are being ‘quickened’ can be difficult, especially if we are not aware of it. We can start by looking for signs of revival in our lives, such as feeling happier, more confident, or more energized. We can also look for signs that God is at work in our lives, such as encountering new opportunities or feeling a sense of peace. If we pay attention to these signs, we will be better equipped to recognize when God is quickening us.
We can also rely on prayer and scripture reading to discern when we are being quickened. We can ask God to open our eyes and give us discernment to recognize when He is reviving us. We can also look to scripture to find stories and verses that show us how God is at work in our lives. When we read these verses and stories, we will be better able to recognize God’s work within us.
Finally, we can look to others in our lives who have experienced the quickening of God. When we talk to other believers who have experienced quickening, we can gain valuable insight and discernment about what it means to experience God’s quickening in our own lives.
Journey Of Quickening
No matter where we are in our journey of quickening, it is important to recognize that God is always at work. He is constantly reviving us, restoring us, and empowering us to serve Him. We can trust Him to quicken us out of darkness and into a life of abundance and grace. Through our revival, we can bring more glory to God and share His love with the world.
When we are quickened, we can begin to recognize just how powerful and loving God is. We can trust that He is always at work in our lives and that He is always providing us with opportunities for growth and revival. He is the one who brings us back to life and sustains us through the spiritual revival that He grants us.
No matter where we are in our journey towards quickening, we should always remember that God is with us and He will always lead us back to Him. We can trust Him to revive our hearts and our minds and to give us the strength we need to serve Him.